Environmentally friendly antibacterial silicone leather_Silicone leather fabric global eco leather vegan l
Silicone leather fabric global eco leather vegan l

Silicone Leather

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Environmentally friendly antibacterial silicone leather

The epidemic has changed people's current consumption concept. Health, safety and environmental protection have undoubtedly become the focus of the current consumers.
How to carry out long-term antibacterial and mildewy leather has always been a difficult point. The environmental antibacterial
silicone leather launched by U-MEET can inhibit the breeding of bacteria, mold and other microorganisms on the leather, so that people can use leather products more comfortable and safer.

silicone leather

Antibacterial leather surface can not only anti-mildew antibacterial, but also has good pollution resistance, scratch resistance, weather resistance, ecological environmental protection, high quality and stability, to ensure the health and safety of consumers.

silicone leather

Antibacterial silicone leather helps to create a safe and healthy car
After long-term use of the car, there will be many bacteria and viruses left in the car, in the handle, handrail, window, door handle and other parts may also be stained with bacteria or virus sweat, causing pollution in the car. The main harm of bacteria to the human body is to cause infection. When pathogenic bacteria invade the human body and multiply in large numbers, it will cause infection, fever and other reactions, making people sick.

Antibacterial silicone leather can effectively prevent the breeding of bacteria and germs in the car, to ensure the health and safety of the car, which is very meaningful to car drivers, especially taxi drivers.

silicone leather

Antibacterial leather can be widely used in leather shoes, leather bags, leather clothes, leather sofa, leather seats and so on, to the application of enterprises to bring great benefits, prevent leather products mildew, prolong the service life; Prevent the breeding of bacteria and other harmful microorganisms to promote human health.