Silicone synthetic leather shoes | package clothing articles_Silicone leather fabric global eco leather vegan l
Silicone leather fabric global eco leather vegan l

Silicone Leather

manufacturer from China





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As we all know, the leather industry covers the main industries such as leather making, shoemaking, leather clothes, leather articles, fur and its products, as well as the supporting industries such as leather chemical industry, leather hardware, leather machinery and auxiliary materials.

Today we are going to talk about the application of silicone synthetic leather for shoes and bags.

Characteristics of organosilicon synthesis:

Organic silicon synthetic leather is born with anti-fouling, hydrolytic resistance, durable, environmental protection, odorless, high flame retardant performance, coupled with our special high wear resistance, can fully meet the high requirements of the masses of materials.

Application of silicone synthetic leather in shoes and bags:

The thickness of leather used in shoe bag clothing: 1-1.2mm

The customer breakthrough production of leather shoes and handbags! Now this characteristic material has been repeatedly used to play.

Make pen electric handbag, antifouling, weather resistance, no hydrolysis, full sense of science and technology!

Applied in high-grade designer handbags, feel smooth, good knitting effect, leather surface will not hydrolyze off chips!

It is a very suitable material for the cool leather clothes of heavy locomotive, the soft comfort of high-end clothing, the characteristics of high temperature resistance and hydrolysis resistance, which can change the water hardening of real leather and the hydrolysis of PU leather.

Applied to high-grade clothing, can be used with high temperature ironing bucket temperature - resistant pressing and washing will not hydrolyze away dandruff!

Break through the market tradition, the use of environmental protection materials, temperature resistance, hydrolysis resistance and high performance, add new kinetic energy for the wearable market, can be connected to the action power supply, can control the clothing heating 30 degrees to 50 degrees, special leather grain high temperature resistant cloth can be used for a long time, for the latest wearable products!