How to clean silicone leather?_Silicone leather fabric global eco leather vegan l
Silicone leather fabric global eco leather vegan l

Silicone Leather

manufacturer from China





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Because a lot of artificial leather will also encounter some environmental problems in the production process. Therefore, the leather industry has suffered from social controversy for many years, and finding sustainable materials that can replace traditional leather has become an urgent industry topic to be solved.

With the development of The Times, on the one hand, people increasingly enhance the pursuit of quality of life, on the other hand, environmental protection is urgent, a leather revolution came into being. Beautiful silicone leather skin-friendly, soft, natural environmental protection, durable, flame retardant and other characteristics for people to provide leather industry for many years difficult to overcome the solution. So, how to clean silicone leather?

A variety of common stains can be simply cleaned with water, more stubborn stains can be cleaned with bleach (20%) or alcohol-based detergent (Formula409, Fantastik, etc.).

Cleaning method


1. Remove the stain as much as possible with a flat tool;


2. Dip a cloth or sponge into appropriate amount of water/soapy water and gently wipe the stain, repeatedly wipe until the stain disappears;


3. Use a clean cloth to wipe the surface with water and air dry


4. Rinse thoroughly with clean water and wipe clean.

Beautiful special new research and development of new environmental protection leather, with 100% silicone as raw material, with 35 years of rich experience, has formed from silicone raw material synthesis production to silicon leather fabric composite one in place of the industry chain, become the world's leading silicone leather development and manufacturer.

It redefines silicone leather (through continuous innovation, its excellent performance is widely used in a wide range of industries: medical, hotel, furniture decoration, children, sports, public sector, aviation, automotive interior, electronic products, etc.).