Silicone leather - the furniture industry of choice_Silicone leather fabric global eco leather vegan l
Silicone leather fabric global eco leather vegan l

Silicone Leather

manufacturer from China





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Ordinary leather and synthetic leather in the process of production will produce certain toxic substances, long-term exposure to be morning irreversible damage to human body, the traditional furniture supplies, using the traditional leather, as we all know, the leather industry to depilate after soaking, degreasing, liming, deliming, softening, pickling and tanning, neutralization, retanning, dyeing, fatliquoring, such as section, There are many processes and many chemical materials, so the concentration of some pollutants such as COD, sulfide and ammonia nitrogen in tannery wastewater is high. The heavy metal trivalent chromium can be accumulated in animals and plants, and may become hexavalent chromium harmful to human body under strong oxidation conditions. In the past two years, the silicone leather developed and produced by umeet has been constantly fighting in the domestic and foreign furniture industry market, with high performance and high environmental quality, it has won consistent praise from customers.

Today we are going to talk about the advantages of silicone leather and what risks it has compared with traditional leather.


Advantages of silicone leather:


The use of solvent-free production process, long-term use of non-toxic harmless, VOC release is far less than the national mandatory standards;

Medical biocompatibility tests have been passed (Cytotoxicity Test ISO10993-5:2010 Non-toxic and skin allergy Test ISO10993-10:2010 non-allergic)

It has been tested by acT-Bifma Healthcare Cleaning Test for more than 30 conventional Cleaning agents. Cffa-141 has achieved the highest level 5 antifouling performance. Common stains can be simply cleaned with water.


The most common leather material, hidden countless security risks


Conventional leather, artificial leather or synthetic leather all have some hidden dangers. Dermis in the process of processing will add a large number of aniline dye, chromium salt and other chemical reagents, with low durability, high cost of dual problems. Artificial leather and synthetic leather have low cost, but the material itself cannot withstand long-term and high-frequency medical disinfection, and the addition of a large number of chemical materials in the production process will also lead to the smell of the air environment in the waiting area.

In addition, in the case of long time use or placement, the synthetic leather such as PU/PVC can cause the residual solvent inside leather, plasticizer to be released constantly, and these compounds can be absorbed by the human body to stay in the human body, thereby damaging organizational organs, liver function, causing physiological obstacles, not conducive to human health. At the same time, considering the safety of public areas, artificial leather and synthetic leather, if burned, will produce a large number of toxic and harmful gases, huge hidden dangers.