White car leather makes the car interior more advanced, but how to solve the problem of dirt resistance?_Silicone leather fabric global eco leather vegan l
Silicone leather fabric global eco leather vegan l

Silicone Leather

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In cars, white interior leather is relatively rare. At present, many light-colored car interiors are beige, but now there are many high-end customized models or some personalized models, all of which choose white interior. The white interior will give people a very bright feeling, make people feel very relaxed in the car, and the pressure will be relatively reduced.

Silicone leather (2)

The white interior will make the car look more advanced and the interior space will be more bright, but if it is more resistant to dirt, it is estimated that the white interior will be the most popular interior color of the car in the future

Silicone leather (1)

The appearance of silicone leather makes the popularization of white automobile leather possible. In addition to the safety, environmental protection, skin-friendly and luxury of this fabric, the biggest highlight of silicone leather is its resistance to dirt. Even if it is white, it is not easy to get dirty. According to the experiment, ordinary PU material and silicone leather were dripped with coffee respectively. The on-site wiping results showed that there was no coffee stain on the silicone leather.

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